
偶像崇拜的英语作文( 偶像崇拜的英语作文120词)

jdl008 初中作文 2024-05-10 20浏览 0

2010 merchant quotEuropa aureate fantasyquot Christmas festival, Angela first come to dalian, star glow, the whole city expectation!From 15 on, when an excellent singer is Angela#39s dream, she has been for this d;Many people ask me why I like Jason, which is almost crazy On the one hand, of course, it is because he sings well, has feelings, and can be deeply rooted in people#39s hearts有许多人问我为什么喜欢。


and his persistence combined with a hot easily moved, full of gratitude, but as an actor he has fine acting我的偶像是李俊基准 ,是这样一个男人认真努力谦逊有礼有爱心坦诚率真亲切不怕苦;楼主你好,如果你是高中生可参考以下这篇,这是 偶像利弊的 We had a heated discussion in the english class about the idol worshipAnd our opinions are divided on whether idols are needed for us。

In my opinion, having idols is not a bad thing However, we should make it clear who are the real “heroes” As far as I am concerned, the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions。


1、Gdragon is a hardworking and talented boyHe used his quotsincerequot in the dispute,shine in the world权志龙,他是一个非常著名的韩国歌手,他是BIGBANG的领袖,他写了很多歌曲,他是我的偶像当他年轻的时候。


3、On Idol Worshipping 在偶像崇拜中 Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon,but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again偶像崇拜不是一。





我希望每个人都可以像杰伦那样做任何事都拼尽全力,走向成功 英语作文带翻译我最崇拜的人 When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in classHe was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years。


建议不能盲目追星,奢侈消费,只为在外表上相偶像看齐应该学习偶像成功的精神In these two irony pictures, we can see that a young man has written “Beckham” on his face while daydreaming to himself, “。

他被誉为张学友之后另一个歌神 他的很多歌有国语和粤语两个版本,比如十年的粤语版是明年今日,爱情转移的粤语版是富士山下,我都非常用喜欢听他是崇拜的偶像Eason,他做人做事都值得我去学习。

It is hard to say whether idol worshipping is good or bad, for it is not a blackandwhite issue For one thing, idols may inspire the young people in different ways Usually, these public figures。

My favourite star My favorite star is a Korean teamIt is Big BangThis group has five members The team leader is GDragonI love their songs very much They are very popularIn 2011, BigBang became。



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