

jdl008 小学作文 2024-04-23 16浏览 0

寻物启事英语范文一I losted my blue notebook yesterday,it#39s necessary for meSo I whish heshe would be kind enough to return it to me as soon as possibleI will be very grateful!My name#39s Jim,my。

Lost寻物启事英语为您收集 At 930 am this Saturday, Mr Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by busThe suitcase is square, orange color and made。

1 初一题目lost的英语作文至少八十个单词 寻物启事Lost I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning There is some money, a monthly ticket and something else in it I wish the finder would return it to me。

寻物启事的英语作文 篇1 I lost a very beautiful things I cannot leave it, I also love it very much But it was I lost it Finally saw it was nine years old that year It is flying a kite with me, the ki。

1 求一篇50字写寻物启事的英语作文,急啊 Lost and FoundMy name is Li Mingming, I lost a Green#39s Fairy Tales book in the park yesterday I am very worried because it is very important for me。

曾经丢失的最心爱的物品英语作文1 A story about a lost wallet It#39s a sunny day in spring , It was on Monday , April 12, I found a black wallet lying on the road on my way to school, at that。

寻物启事 I lost my red pencilbox last day Please return it to me if you get it I will be very thankful招领启事 I picked up a watch yesterday If you lost the watch , please get in。

寻物启事的英语作文写法示例如下A Suitcase Lost At 930 am this Saturday, Mr Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by busThe suitcase is square。


Notice of looking for a thing 寻物启事 I lost of my handbag at the 1112014 in the eveningWithin my handbag,I took the less than 200 RMB,2 USBI heard that one old man got itBut he don#39t。


失物招领LostI lost my penIt is black I lost it in the school on January 1st If you find it, please call me at 3442988My name is Mary Thank you寻物启事 FoundI found a pencil box I。

翻译如下我是李华昨天我在图书馆丢失一辆自行车它是红色的,带有卡通图案自行车的包里里面有2只圆珠笔,一只铅笔还有我的学生证请发现的同学联系我,电话号码是78I#39m Li Hua I lost a bike in the。

At 930 am this Saturday, Mr Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by bus The suitcase is square, orange color and made of leather On it。


首先要用正楷字体写清楚,因为要让别人看清楚嘛第一栏写寻物启事 格式需要居中,然后第二栏进入正题,要写清楚时间地点事物人物 和自己的联系方式,注意要写上一些奖励的话这样对你会更有帮助祝你早日。

Lost and found I lost a blue dirty bagThere was a red pencilcase,an English book and a black purseIf someone finds it,he or she will give it back to meThanks。

Schoolbag Lost December 3, 1999 I was careless and lost my schoolbag on the sportsground on the afternoon of the 2nd of this month, Thursday when I was watching football match there Inside were three。



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