

jdl008 小学作文 2024-04-20 14浏览 0

1 Great inventions have transformed our world, making our lives easier and more comfortable2 From electricity and the light bulb to the internet and smartphones, these inventions have brought about tremendous。

Everyone#39s awareness of the greatest invention in the world are different, and I think that, computer is the greatestIn today#39s information age, computers have brought us considerable convenienceIt so that w。



造纸术,蔡伦是我国伟大的发明家,是他发明了造纸术With the invention and spread of papermaking, the carrier cost of characters has been greatly reduced, thus greatly promoting the development of science and。

篇一电脑 Computer Computer is a very useful machine Some of them are big, but some of them are very small Many people like playing computer Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot。

the automobile saves us time and makes our travel more convenient and the mobile phone has got people closer But, these are just the extension of human brain, legs and voice The Internet, however, has c。

Various signs indicate that the world#39s greatest invention is computer 世界上最伟大的发明 每个人对世界上最伟大的发明的认识不同,而我认为,电脑是最伟大的在当今 时代,电脑为我们带来了不少便利它使我们。

millions of books are published in the worldKnowledge changs our livesIf a knowledged person want to express some new idea,probably he wiil choose to write a bookOn the other hand,the best way to。




更多 英语作文的知识 网友都在找 英语作文我的发明 正在求助 换一换 回答问题,赢新手礼包 苦等1分钟 小米电视对比小米电视4A和小米电视4s谁更值得买 回答 苦等13分钟 我问的问题都很难吗?为什么都没人回答 回答。

Will computers bring good things or bad things to people? The scientists today have to decide how to use the computers tomorrow电脑是一个有用的机器这是最重要的发明之一最古老的计算机是算盘,几百年前就在。



this Robert will hit the market with a great sucess prospect这是我们团队发明的机器人它有160厘米高和2个大眼睛 它非常强壮,根据我们的实验结果,可以举起100公斤重的货物此外,它还有两项其他的功能第一个。

Computerrelated English essay requirements is the greatest invention 20th century great changes in people lives and work level Due to the wide scope of speed used for industrial, agricultural and service。




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