
过分依赖电脑英语作文( 过分依赖电脑的英语作文)

jdl008 初中作文 2024-03-22 34浏览 0

In anticipation of a puterized world all those interested in the puter should find time to get the hang of it 英语作文论药物的过度使用 题记 年幼,懵懂纯真的时光稚嫩的梦想那时候就萌芽了吧 指著天空的点点繁星,仰头。

Don’t Rely Too Much on Computers Do we rely too much on computers? Yes, we do Almost everything we do and every aspect of our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all We use。


Computers One of the greatest advancements in modern technology has been the invention of computers Computers are changing the way people live and work They are already widely used in industry, business and i。

现在由于电脑的普及化,几乎家家户户都有电脑,有些孩子甚至迷恋于电脑游戏可是,对于逐渐依赖电脑的我们,可否知道它的危害性Longterm use of computer, it will lead to our vision To depends on computer。

if we want to gear to the challenge of the future,we must make the best use of the computer, but not overly depend on it。

英语作文如下Dear Jim,It is said that you are addicted to computer games recently I am writing this letter to tell you that it is not good to indulge in computer gamesComputer games can only relax us。


翻译如下大一学生带电脑到学校的利弊 Advantages and disadvantages of freshman#39s taking computer to school 大一学生带电脑到学校是一把双刃剑以我的观点看,很多青少年现在太依赖电脑了首先,新生的主要任务是学习基础。

In the end, I want to say,computer is good or badThe key is that how we use it rather than only saying the surface 今天,世界随着我们人类的科技变得更智能如此,电脑便应运而生但究竟 电脑,以我之。

Yes, we do Almost everything we do and every aspect of our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all We use computers in business, public services, education and entertainmentHowever。

求一篇如何避免沉迷网络作文800字 网络是现代高科技,现代社会离不开网络,但有的网络游戏对青少年产生了极大的危害 网络游戏被现代人称为“电子海洛因”,网络游戏不但使青少年成绩下降,影响视力更会使青少年走向犯罪的道路,误入歧途。




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