

jdl008 小学作文 2024-04-29 16浏览 0

随着我国新经济新文化新观念的发展,手机的出现成为便利 沟通工具,但是手机是一把双刃剑主要看我们怎么去使用它下面是我为大家整理的文章,大家一起来看看 手机的利弊英语作文范文一Today, with the;比如,过度使用手机将会减少人与人之间的面对面的沟通似乎我们大多数人都是以牺牲人际关系来享用联系的便利性再者,手机上得娱乐性的电子游戏,海量 和各种各样的社交网络个您根据也已经占据了我们很多的时间尤其是;for example, we call communication, and so onSo there are more and more people SEEN every day with a mobile phone IN THEIR HAND , WHEN THEY eat, walk, SIT in class, or even watch TV THEY ALSO;Mobile phone is getting popular in the modern society, particulary in younger peaple Because mobile phone has many useful functions such as WeChat,Internet Banking,online shopping, TV program online watching;这种主题属于明显的议论文,最好采用英语作文中常用的三段式写法,第一段引出主题,第二段重点阐释,第三段自然结束另外注意多用些高级语法和高级词汇,提升作文整体的水平以下是一篇例文As we know,with the。


近年来,一些人描述了由于过度使用手机而导致小指变形的现象这种奇怪的现象被称为智能手机“小指”,如今这种现象正变得越来越普遍,因为从手机发展趋势来看,它们正在变得越来越大,需要更大的努力才能将其支撑起来如今;This picture portrays such an ironic situation on the road, stands a man, who is completely concentrating on his cell phone whereas using a stick for direction, which implies the unprecedented popularity or ev;问题二手机过度使用有什么危害? 导致疲劳 青少年频繁地使用手机,将严重影响睡眠质量,引发感应性疲劳和神经衰弱,特别是对于儿童来说,手机可能造成的健康危害和烟酒一样严重 影响新陈代谢智能手机的功能异常丰富,原本应该是睡觉的时间。

手机的利与弊 英语作文篇1With the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone Every cion has two sides When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones have;we are imformed of everything important when we carry our cell phone all the time Futermore, it can also help us with some learning,beacuse we can look up the word in the digital dictionarySecondly, ou;以下是一篇 手机成瘾的英语作文The Addiction of Cellphone Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology, people rely more and more on their smartphones However, the overuse of smartphones has become a;使用手机的利与弊英文翻译为Advantages and disadvantages of using smart phones一英文范文 It is often said that smart phones make our life easier, because of these convenient devices, we can take our work;英语作文 近年来,手机的使用越来越普及,使用手机过程中产生的不文明现象已引发了人们的关注和讨论1 分析这种现象2 阐明这种现象的原因或危害3 你的结论谢谢了与期末成绩有很大关系啊。

转载请注明出处 #x00BB 课堂上使用手机的害处英语作文带中文翻译 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询 为;随着当代科技的迅速发展,智能手机以其卓越的功能风靡全球人们可以在任何时间任何地点用它来上网,更新个人微博,上传自己的最新照片看起来智能手机已经成为人们生活中不可缺的一部分了然而,有些人过渡沉迷于智能手机。

It is common that we use cell phones as a means of communication for its convenience However, the fact that people are getting addicted to cell phones cannot be ignoredHave a look at the picture Three。


Today, I will talk about the harm of mobile phones to primary school students今天,我来说一说手机对小学生的危害Games on mobile phones are usually used by sellers to attract customers The game is not;Firstly, certain institutions in China should launch relevant campaigns to limit the excessive ust of cellphones Moreover, we ,as college students, should put emphasis on it right from ourselves as a start。



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